I can close my eyes and vividly remember the first night home with our tiny new son. Hubby and I had both been around small babies a lot, and during my pregnancy we felt confident about caring for him – or so we thought. But that first night at home, when he woke up at 2 am screaming that sad newborn wail, we turned on the light, looked at each other, and saw panic in each other eyes. WHAT DO WE DO NOW, was all we could both think!      And our second thought was: “Who was the idiot at the hospital that sent us home with a 6 # 8 oz baby and thought we’d know what to do with it?” We did muddle through and with many tears and some how he survived! But how I wish there had been class we could have taken! That is why we developed ABQ Doulas Newborn Essentials classs! As a brand-new, first-time parent with so many questions run through your mind and we created a class that will answer many of them so you can set out on this parenting journey with more confidence (Notice we don’t say TOTALLY confident, no matter how much you know, it will still be intimidating to be left alone with a newborn!)

These are just some of the questions you will get answered if you attend our class, on two Tuesday evenings or on Saturday morning:

Why is my baby’s head so oddly shaped?     How do I care for the umbilical cord?

Does this poop look normal?         My baby just cries all the time HELP!         How often do I bathe him?

How do I know if my baby is getting enough milk?     How often do I feed him?

How do I swaddle my baby?      When do I start solid food?     Is my baby sick?

What are these spots on baby’s face?    How do I get baby to sleep?     How do I bottlefeed?

All these, and  many more questions will be answered! And who better to teach this class than Katie Schmierer, a mom of 6, a postpartum and labor doula who also spent many years as a pediatric RN at an area hospital on the pediatric floor.

As we visit our Moms to check on them after their baby is born, we often find parents who are overjoyed with their new one, but also overwhelmed with questions of how to care for them. And those who have had an opportunity to take this class will have a much smoother and easier transition to life with a tiny one.

You can check out our classes and register right on our website. If you mention this blog post on the registration form, we will even throw in a $15 discount because we want you to start your life with baby with greater confidence than we did! See our upcoming class schedule and sign up here:  Class Registration | ABQ Doulas & Birth Services, LLC